Senin, 28 Mei 2012

About Bajai

10 facts about bajai:
1. Bajaj is very noisy and smoke like a fire, standing behind the three-wheeler can be a disaster.
2. Bajaj like cornering at random, and the gravity of a sudden, it is said bend killer known only to God and the driver himself.
3. Never bid price bajaj lower than the first offer of the brothers, especially if you have to pull because it's just different vein 1000perak, once again do not. Fast to furious lovers may be pleased to see it, but as a passenger, lives are at stake, the elder brother would drag as tight as can be driven and bajaj dekilnya tikungannya inserts also rely more powerful than usual. The older boy would not hesitate to rotate 180 degrees in order to satisfy his desire for failing a bargain.
4. Believe me, 90 of the 100 people who ride three-wheeler is because circumstances forced.
5. Rates bajaj sometimes irrational, disparate thin with a taxi meter.
6. Too often feel the vibration in the three-wheeler can cause permanent irritation in the groin and gestures are no longer balanced, but it heard the hurricane muffler for 10 minutes at the effect of 100 minutes when you are clubbing.
7. Belief, the bend and brake bajaj can we do with the touch of a (so-called one-touch technology), how, slap shoulders of the elder brother.
8. Bajaj there is some type, most bengal bajaj called 'Bajaj Sporty', the difference can be seen from a more dip ass bajaj bajaj than the original. Bajaj type like this that should be avoided if the biker in the rain or muddy.
9. Bajaj does not care about traffic delays and therefore also the state of the passengers, which is important as bajajnya able to enter the narrow gap as long as even a slight angle to pass it will continue to try, this is very frustrating that most of the bikers and other motorists, as is often the way it should cover bajaj can pass the biker.
10. Bajaj will against deer, like a city bus to the busway hate.

About Bemo...

Bemo is the abbreviation of "motor rickshaw" and is a three-wheeled motor vehicle which is used for public transportation in Indonesia. Bemo began to be used in Indonesia in early 1962, first in Jakarta in connection with Ganefo.
Later bemo presence is intended to replace the pedicab. But this plan did not succeed because of the presence of bemo not supported by a mature plan. Bemo is not only present in Jakarta, but also in other cities such as Bogor, Bandung, Surabaya, Malang, Padang, Denpasar, etc.. because these vehicles are very practical and capable of reaching the narrow streets, and can go much faster than tricycles.

Bemo is beginning to operate like a taxi, later restricted areas of operations in certain routes, and finally removed to thin routes that had been left untouched by city bus. In Jakarta, began bemo removed in 1971, followed by Surabaya and Malang in the same year. In 1979, the Regional Government of Surakarta take similar steps.

About Naming Delman...

Delman naming comes from its inventor Charles Theodore deeleman Ir ie, an engineer, irrigation expert who has an iron shop on the coast of Batavia (now Jakarta). The naming of the same vehicle is derived from Sado French dos-à-dos, which means back to back.
Other terms in different languages ​​are actually quite diverse areas refer to the form of the same object. In Sundanese known as Kahar and the bridge where there is a difference which is to place up passengers on the bridge is wider than the wagon berukurang only enough for one foot only. In addition, Delman higher than the bridge '.
Then there is another term for the gig, which some people believe comes from the English dog car where there is interpreted as a vehicle drawn by dogs.
In other areas, Delman has a name such as Andong, which has four wheels. In Jakarta, naming the carriage referred to as the Ebro acronym taken from the Eerste Bataviasche Rijtuig plantations which means the First Railway Company in Jakarta.

Form and use of Delman

In contrast to other vehicles such as cars, wagon since the beginning created or built up to now have the same shape or fixed, although some are using the wheels that use wheels or tires.
Most of the driver said that the use of better tires for the road is flat and in good condition or use of the highway. But for the road conditions are poor, it is better to use a construction wagon wheel has a radius larger. In some areas, especially in West Nusa Tenggara, known by the acronym Cidomo Cikar-gig-Car
Delman is now used more in the transport environment within a short journey or a major character in the rural regional inter-village. Especially now displaced by the presence of a motorcycle taxi, taxi or public transport such as motorized three-wheeler or bemo. However, in some areas, especially the tourist area, Delman allowed to operate, by following the rules of hygiene such as urban reservoirs for horse manure. To that end, Delman are numbered as in the numbering of motor vehicles issued by the Local Government.
In history, recorded in the Dutch East Indies government in Indonesia, Delman used as transportation between cities, especially before the trains and other motor vehicles operating in Indonesia. Recorded in 1885, Forbes had hired wagon to travel from Bogor to Bandung at a cost of sixteen guilders traveled for thirteen hours.

About Andong...

Andong is one of the traditional means of transport in Yogyakarta and surrounding areas, such as Solo and Klaten. The existence of carriage as one of the cultural heritage of Java provides its own cultural characteristics are still preserved today.

Although many motor vehicle that is faster and cheaper, but users Andong in Yogyakarta is still quite a lot. Carriage-horse cart can be found easily along the way Malioboro, Ngasem market, as well as in the town.
Delman is a traditional wheeled transportation vehicle two, three or four that do not use the machine but using the horse as his successor. Variations of transportation using horses include chariots, the carriage and carriage horses.

Vehicle name is derived from the name of its founder, Charles Theodore deeleman ie, a litografer and engineers in the Netherlands East Indies. The Dutch themselves call this vehicle with the name of the dos-à-dos (back to back, the literal meaning of the French language), a type of train passengers seated back to back. The term dos-à-dos was later shortened by the natives of Batavia longer a 'sado'.

About Getek...

In advanced age it is today, there is a form of transportation that still survive today. This is the boat transportation getek. Even though it looks not follow in the footsteps of modernization, but this one seems to transportation will not sink 'eat' era. especially for the citizens of the region, especially south jakarta Manggarai. This transport, used as a tool to cross a very effective for the citizens, from their homes to the terminal Manggarai and vice versa. harganyanya is quite cheap, which is Rp.1000 for adults, while Rp 500 for students.

Residents also felt in great need of getek. because by the time the area that stretches long and wide, it felt very effective transport. if they are, must turn, will require a long time.
Klotok is Getek or boat / ship small people that can carry about 10 people who are used as a means of daily transport to the various needs of both transport passengers to cross or to a destination such as shopping or for transporting goods. Getek or klotok used both in lakes and large rivers in Kalimantan, Sumatra and Papua, as well as water taxi outside the country.

Kamis, 24 Mei 2012

About Helicak...


Helicak is public transport vehicles which are found in Jakarta in the 1970s. Helicak name comes from the combination of the words helicopter and rickshaws, due to its shape is similar to the helicopters and tricycles.

first launched on March 24, 1971. Engine and the main body of this vehicle is a Lambretta scooters imported from Italy. This vehicle was first coined in the reign of Governor Ali Sadikin as a replacement for tricycles are considered inhumane.

Like the
rickshaw, the driver helicak sitting in the back, while sitting in the front passenger in a cabin with a metal frame and walls of glass fibers that protect it from heat, rain or dust, while the driver is not. Some people judge a vehicle is unsafe for passengers, because when the collision occurred, the penumpanglah the first time will feel the consequences.

helicak was not long. Jakarta government's policy of providing transportation of the people who do not consistently lead to a number helicak 400 copies when first released, was not developed further. As a result helicak slowly disappeared from the streets of the capital. Helicak can still be found in the area of ​​Kemayoran.

Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

About Rickshaw(Becak)

Rickshaw (from Hokkien: chia be "chariot") is a three-wheeled mode of transportation that is commonly found in Indonesia and also in parts of Asia. Normal capacity is two passengers rickshaw and a driver. Be a rickshaw driver is one way to get the most simple living, so the number of pedicab drivers in areas of high unemployment rate will be very high. Rickshaws banned in Jakarta around the end of the 1980s. The official reason, among others, at that time was that the pedicab is "exploitation of man by man", and tricycles replaced by Bajaj, Helicak.

In Indonesia there are two types of rickshaws are commonly used:

     Rickshaw drivers in the rear. This type is usually exist in Java.
     Rickshaw with driver's side. This species is usually found in Sumatra. For tricycles of this type can be further divided into two sub-types, namely:

     Pedal rickshaws - a bicycle rickshaw that uses as a rudder.
     Motorized pedicab / rickshaw engine - Daw who uses a motorcycle as a driver.

In other countries there is still a rickshaw driver in front, as developed in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, these concepts are then developed in the bajay taken from India in the 1970s.


Rickshaw have three wheels, two wheels at the front and one rear wheel. The front two wheels connected by a fixed shaft and both front wheels can be moved together with its axis to divert rickshaw. Rickshaw driver to sit almost on the back wheel and chain epdal boost the rear wheel. Passengers sit in a chair that is above the 2 front wheels. There diroda shock absorbers front of a leaf spring mounted between the axles with the body rickshaw. Front passenger rickshaws are usually protected by a body made ​​of wood and canvas roof and the front cover of clear plastic which is closed only when it rains. As a tool rickshaw rate freeze, there is a simple brake to stop the rate of the rear wheel, the brake is powered by a driver using a rod that is placed between the driver's seat with the passenger cabin. The design of this rickshaw (unless the passenger cabin) is very similar to traditional goods wagon dutch named Bakfiets.