Selasa, 22 Mei 2012

About Rickshaw(Becak)

Rickshaw (from Hokkien: chia be "chariot") is a three-wheeled mode of transportation that is commonly found in Indonesia and also in parts of Asia. Normal capacity is two passengers rickshaw and a driver. Be a rickshaw driver is one way to get the most simple living, so the number of pedicab drivers in areas of high unemployment rate will be very high. Rickshaws banned in Jakarta around the end of the 1980s. The official reason, among others, at that time was that the pedicab is "exploitation of man by man", and tricycles replaced by Bajaj, Helicak.

In Indonesia there are two types of rickshaws are commonly used:

     Rickshaw drivers in the rear. This type is usually exist in Java.
     Rickshaw with driver's side. This species is usually found in Sumatra. For tricycles of this type can be further divided into two sub-types, namely:

     Pedal rickshaws - a bicycle rickshaw that uses as a rudder.
     Motorized pedicab / rickshaw engine - Daw who uses a motorcycle as a driver.

In other countries there is still a rickshaw driver in front, as developed in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, these concepts are then developed in the bajay taken from India in the 1970s.


Rickshaw have three wheels, two wheels at the front and one rear wheel. The front two wheels connected by a fixed shaft and both front wheels can be moved together with its axis to divert rickshaw. Rickshaw driver to sit almost on the back wheel and chain epdal boost the rear wheel. Passengers sit in a chair that is above the 2 front wheels. There diroda shock absorbers front of a leaf spring mounted between the axles with the body rickshaw. Front passenger rickshaws are usually protected by a body made ​​of wood and canvas roof and the front cover of clear plastic which is closed only when it rains. As a tool rickshaw rate freeze, there is a simple brake to stop the rate of the rear wheel, the brake is powered by a driver using a rod that is placed between the driver's seat with the passenger cabin. The design of this rickshaw (unless the passenger cabin) is very similar to traditional goods wagon dutch named Bakfiets.

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